Sunday, August 22, 2010

3 to 5 Random Things

Hello! I'm Kathleen and I'm a librarian at Hamil- oh, wait. My own stuff. Right.

1. I'm Peter and I'm majoring in English Lit.

2. On the right side of this blog, I found that Fish tank, thing, in "Advanced Gadgets." You can click to drop food and just act like you're reading this. Secret's safe with me!

3. I was Pre-Graphic Design before switching to English Lit, so I spend most of my time in class filling my notebook with tears and shattered dreams. (Just kidding!) Drawing is a big hobby of mine. Some of my current favorite artists are: Riley Rossmo, Kate Beaton and Max Dalton.

4. Those donuts were delicious.

5. That's all!


  1. What happens if no one feeds your fish? Do they share Charlie Chan's fate?

  2. Hey Peter I was lurking everyone's blogs (I'm not creepy, promise). Why did you stop going for graphic design?

  3. Hey Brie!

    Don't worry, I don't think you're creepy. Maybe if you had written this question on a note hidden under my pillow, I'd start to wonder. But last I checked, the only thing under there was the TV remote that I can never find.

    There are a lot of reasons why I switched from Pre-Graphic Design to English Lit. The further I got into art classes, the more I realized that my style wasn't really cut out for Graphic Design. It is geared more towards people who actually understand perspective and color theory. Since my landscapes always looked like something found on the drafting floor of Dr. Seuss, I figured it wasn't for me.

    It came down to the fact that my perfect balance is English classes at school and art at home. Now, when Graphic Design becomes all about drawing goofy caricatures and super heroes, I'll be all over it!
